When Ringmaster Productions started out, it did not even have a name. It was an idea that existed in the darkest corner of the mind, which darted away before you could get a firm grasp on it. Now, it has a name, and soon an official corporate structure.
Ringmaster Productions is a loose, amorphous collective of actors, producers and ideas people. We have gathered together to make fun of things that deserve to be made fun of, to construct situations where our characters come into often – we hope – hilarious conflict.
We refuse to restrict ourselves to one medium, straddling the genres of theatre and film (almost) effortlessly. There is just one thing limiting the soaring sky of our ambition, and that is our net cash flow. With that in mind, we point you to our Indiegogo fund-raising page, the body text of which is copied below for your convenience….
Thank you for showing interest in our feature film project. This is where we are currently at. We have filmed and polished two shorts, from two scenes early in the screenplay. This is intended as proof of concept, and in addition we have a mini-series in the pipeline called ‘Awkward Dates’ which looks at the banality of social interaction, the chemistry of attraction and its sheer irrationality.
Only one of the shorts from the feature is in its final form and is really enterable into festivals, as it is intentionally filmed in a ‘DIY’ or documentary-style where the ineptness of the cameraman can be considered part of the humour of the piece. It is a nice bitesize length, and you can view it on my personal Youtube channel here
Both short films received a good reception at our screening on 20th January at the Clapham Omnibus, where attendees laughed almost non-stop. This was despite the absence of several of the ‘star names’ lined up for parts in the feature, who have established reputations in the indie film scene and the festival scene.
Anna Alfieri – http://www.annaalfieri.co.uk/showreels
Will Turner Roden – https://vimeo.com/110237806
Anthony Rhodes – https://vimeo.com/199066159
Shipra Jain – https://vimeo.com/88899565
Chris Sherwood – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eAfxJrlNOY
As well as the films, we performed a number of comedy sketches which were also well received. We made a small profit from a very low-key event with minimal promotion and advertising, and as such at our next live comedy staging we anticipate a much more significant profit.(apologies for the sound on this, it was just filmed on someone’s phone).
If our visuals have caught your attention, we have some further reading and a plot synopsis available on request. We are in the process of putting together a stellar production team, and have the highly experienced Nele Mertens, emeritus professor of film production, as director; and the well-respected Christian Couzens signed up as Director of Photography.
Nele Mertens http://nelemertens.wixsite.com/filmmaker
Christian Couzens http://www.christiancouzens.com/
I am a history major who dabbled in theatre production while studying at Cambridge University, then studied acting for stage and screen at City Lit before deciding to pursue my earlier dream of being a (financial) journalist. I kept my creativity alive writing a feature film screenplay in my spare time, then put a casting call out for actors to come to an initial reading, to see who turned up .
I guess you could say I am the creative impetus behind the project, and I am flattered that so many talented people have consented to work with me to try and put it together.
This is my professional persona
on twitter I am @JessKing1311
Any support you could lend to our project would be much appreciated, and in return for your attention we will be sure to keep you in the loop on all future developments, and send you links to any new footage.
There are a variety of perks available for more generous donations, from comp tickets to cameo roles.