Pisarto.com launched in mid-February to a wide audience, stocked with paintings curated from different parts of the world. The response to the website and the collection of paintings has been overwhelming.
Buying paintings currently is an arduous process, not to mention the price tag. Pisarto aims to simplify the experience by doing the complex work for the buyers through exhaustive research, selection and sourcing at unbelievable prices.
The founders of Pisarto believe the process of appreciation and buying of paintings can be simplified. Its motto being Art for All. In line with their moto, some of the paintings are if not cheaper at comparable price as colouring the walls.
As Vincent Van Gogh said The only time I feel alive is when I’m painting. Pisarto aims to bring alive walls in your home, office or hotel through their collection. The paintings are easily relatable to what we see and experience in our everyday lives capturing the mood & emotions around us.
You can find out more from their website https://www.pisarto.com