Detective Detective Detective, is directed by Justin Edwards (Born to Lead: The Sal Aunese Story), who co-wrote it with his brother Michael Edwards and stars Matthew Clay (#Final60), Henry Kaiser (Pitiful Creatures), and Adam McCabe (UCB Comedy Originals). The film garnered awards and accolades at the Anchorage International Film Festival, Philadelphia Independent Film Festival and the Gen Con Film Festival.
Detective Detective Detective uses the exciting world of live-action role play, or LARP, to explore the dynamics between a band of brothers who investigate the disappearance of world-renown author, Adrian Belmont. Detective Detective Detective promises a world of comedy and adventure, all the while restoring the characters’ brotherhood and sense of imagination. Their adventures will undoubtedly leave audiences eager to explore the world of LARP.
LARP does not have a single point of origin, but was instead invented independently by groups in North America, Europe and Australia. The practice can be traced as far back as medieval times, when the games were conducted to entertain royals. The first ever recorded LARP group, Dagorhir, was founded much later in 1977 by a group of Lord of the Rings enthusiasts. Today Larping events are held around the world with thousands of participants.
Detective Detective Detective is available in rental stores, retail chains, TV, including 100 million homes on Video on Demand. Additional details, including the trailer preview, can be found at: