Janmashtmi Celebration at IVPS

The students of IVPS, Noida celebrated this pious festival with fervor at school auditorium ‘Ashakriti’ on 31st August 2018. The students presented a skit, with diverse ‘Leelas’ of Sri Krishna, which was enacted by the students of classes I and II illustrating the fact that whenever there will be dominance of evil, then Lord Krishna will destroy the evil and save the good. The tiny tots of IVPS were dressed in the attire of Krishna, Gopikas and Radha. They lighted up the stage with their commendable performance, and fascinated the audience.

The Students played characters of Lord Krishna and others as well and created a joyful atmosphere at the auditorium. Everyone, who was present there enjoyed every moment to the fullest. The whole auditorium was overwhelmed by clapping of everyone.

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