14th World Congress on Stem Cell Research, Cell and Gene Therapy

A Hearty Welcome to All the Aspirants!!

Conferenceseries Llc Ltd cordially invites you to attend the 14th World Congress on Stem Cell Research, Cell and Gene Therapy which is forthcoming in the month of September 10-11, 2020 in Barcelona, Spain.

Theme “Stem Cell Research: Great avenues for healthcare and wellness entrepreneurs”

We genially invite all the participants who are fascinated in distributing their expertise and exploration in the area of Stem Cell, Gene Therapy & Regenerative Therapeutics.

StemcellCongress2020 envisage not less than 300 participants throughout the sphere with contemplated triggering keynote lectures, plenary sessions, Oral Demonstrations and Poster Presentations. The appearing ambassadors involve Editorial Board Members of related Transnational Journals. This is an incomparable prospect for the delegates from Universities and Organizations to act together with the world class Experts.

You can reach me at Whatsapp: 34932710008 to be part of its success.